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  • 105 Olu Obasanjo Road, Port Harcourt Rivers State.
  • +234-84360975

CPC is the rigorous application of engineering design and analysis, quality assurance (QA), non-destructive Testing (NDT), manufacturing, operations, and support technologies to prevent the start of corrosion, avoid functional impairment due to corrosion, and define processes for the tracking and repair of corrosion problems.

At Netportal our team of highly qualified corrosion and material engineers ensures that CPC services are implemented to applicable standards

Services include:

  1. Corrosion management and assessment
  2. Inspection and NDT
  3. Corrosion Failure Analysis
  4. Coating inspection
  5. Specialty Maintenance and Monitoring
  6. CP design for pipeline and structures
  7. Material selection